
jesus isn't first in my life anymore...

jesus is the CENTER...

i have said it many times and written it many times over: "jesus first, family second and everything else third" up until yesterday when i read pastor's blog called "don't put jesus first"

pastor's blog really hit home with me and really helped me to look at how i operate on a daily basis. jesus isn't happy with being first, he wants to be center. as a busy mom that helps me out a lot -- if jesus is the center of everything that i say and do -- then he is content. i don't have to stress out anymore if i didn't put jesus first. because if he is the center of all i do then that is how i glorify him. he can be a part of all of the little things i do during the day and a part of all the big things i do. i don't have to compartmentalize him, i can spread him all over and all throughout my day and the things i go about doing.

i love looking at my relationship with christ as the center of my life rather than first in my life.

thank you pastor steven for that awesome insight and perspective!!

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