
my game pieces....

i realized that in my last post i went from talking about "my groove" to talking about "my game". oh well... i hope my point was understandable.

i wanted to share with you some of the pieces that are in my game that are being shaken around or have been shaken around as of the last few months... this is a complete brain dump for me, i have no idea if you will find anything useful but it helped me clear my head... so humor me and read on....

1. church home -
in may, we were called away from our church home - we had been there for over 5 years we were very active and involved and jamil was on staff for 2 of those 5 years. when we were called away-- we had to find a new church home & we have begun to pray and figure out the areas to serve in & how to get plugged in. it is hard to establish new friends and church family. and find a place to feel connected. but we are working our way through it - and we feel so blessed to be at elevation. we are sure that is where God wants us to be, now it is just time to get plugged in and start all over. it was a sad experience to say good bye, but we are so excited to see where God takes us!

2. income & employment -
we incurred a loss b/c of leaving the church staff position & we are trying to find ways to gain that income that will not shake the balance and structure of our family. today, i was offered a 5 day a week position at the preschool where i have jordyn and jesiah signed up. they were both signed up to that i could go to school. but after considering a lot of things - thanks to my dear friend and mentor, Patti - i decided that i couldn't accept that position. in fact i have decided to not try to teach anywhere or any days this year. perhaps another year. i have been offered a great job -- to take care of our dear friends little boy who will be 3 at the end of the year. that is so exciting to me. and i have made the decision to take care of him a few days a week. that will work great with our family and also help to make up some of the financial loss we have suffered.

3. nursing school for me -
when my schedule was giving me classes on all days and all times that the kids were not in school - i had to make a choice to through our home into a mess and be scatterbrained and without my kids. so i decided - i am not going back this fall when i planned to be in the nursing program. it was a hard decision to make and a little bit sad. i am relieved, although still in shock that i am not going. it was a good decision that we made. perhaps one day i will go back! we will see what happens!!!

4. new school for josh -
for those of you who do not know, or picked up on in my previous posts, josh started school last week - he is at a new school this year. we love it!!! love it!! another change - but for the good. i am so excited to have him at union academy. him being there is a miracle in itself -- pure lottery -- purely God's hand choosing his name!!!! praise God!!!

5. preschool for jordyn and not jesiah -
i spent a lot of time debating the need to send jordyn to preschool or not. jesiah doesn't need to go (although if our finances were better and i could justify it - a few days wouldn't hurt!!) jordyn on the other hand will be starting kindergarten in a year from now and she is very attached to me. she has a hard time leaving me. so i made the decision last week to send her to preschool, i was so relieved and excited about my decision - thanks chels (she helped me w/ that one) - then i had to accept the fact that i would miss her those 3 days a week. and also that i would have to drive to her preschool which is a little far away. so today, i called around to a few preschools that are closer, i left a lot of messages. i did speak with the director at a preschool in monroe and jordyn is on the waiting list for all 3 of her 4 year old classes. she is first on two of them. so my prayer is that she gets a spot there. i love carmel wee school - love it - but from past experience, the drive is a little far - i did it for 2 years with josh and i will be sad to leave their but at the same time relieved to have her closer and the tuition will be much cheaper. so now we pray and wait...

6. mops - no more :(
every year at this time for the past four years i would be busy preparing for mops. i love mops! i miss not having to prepare and miss not having it to look forward to. it was a lot of work for me and the numerous other leaders who helped pull it off each year. but it was a lot of fun. i learned so much about myself and met so many wonderful ladies! i am sad to not have that to look forward to, but honestly i don't miss the intensity of it and the time it took away from my family. so i am praying about what to do with my self... do i want to join a bible study or bible study fellowship? i know i love having girl time and i love having accountability - but whatever i choose i don't want to be the leader of it right now. i need to decide what to do this fall.

7. ballet & sports
last year jordyn began taking ballet lessons and joshua began sports (basketball and football). jordyn will most likely take ballet again, perhaps in the afternoon/evening - i just need to find a studio and figure out what my schedule will look like and get her signed up. joshua will not be doing a fall sport, we decided that we will wait to do basketball in the winter. we will probably limit him to 2 sports a year, and once he has found his favorite one - we will concentrate on just one.

8. auto accident, new van and settlement pending for medical bills -
i still have some of this junk lingering from march when i was in the accident that totaled my van. we received a settlement for the van and i got a new one that i love - Praise God! although, i have been seeing the chiropractor since then for my neck and back. i am pretty much as good as i am going to get. i still have flare ups and some pain. after my next appointment i will probably be released from treatment and we can begin the settlement deal. i do have a lawyer so we aren't dealing with it by ourselves. so that is all still pending...

so those are the major things being shaken around in my life!! just had to share!!!

1 comment:

beth said...

hey dawn... i have enjoyed and been encouraged reading your blogs :) eden has been trying out a new dance place that is pretty close to downtown monroe called bonita's school of ballet. she really likes it and i really like ms. bonita. she is a christian lady and incorporates that into her classes/business. just thought you might like to check that out if you are still looking for a dance studio. love~beth