

the last couple of weeks have been a blur. they have gone by at lightning speed and i barely remember much about them. i do know some big things have taken place and i didn't really have any time to write a post about any one of them. so i will do my best to write a little about what is going on here.

the big kids had their last day of school last friday. the last week of school is always a busy one with field day and other fun things. i didn't really get to enjoy any of them. because during that same week, we had the safe journey graduation ceremony. i was really busy shopping and preparing for the big day. and then the day of the event was spent setting up and putting everything into place. it was a success and the girls were honored and celebrated! as much as i love serving in that capacity, i was really really glad when the day was over.

on the last day of school, jamil turned in our form to say that we are not intending to have the kids attend union academy. that was a hard moment. i was sick in my stomach. i knew it needed to be done. but it was hard to sign that paper and turn it in. so we are officially done with school and will be homeschooling them.

i have had second thoughts, but they have all been fear based, so i have to dismiss each one of them as they cross my mind. now it is time to move forward and start planning for what homeschooling is really going to look like for us. i have some ideas on curriculum and such but need to make some decisions.

this past week, has been interesting to say the least. i barely had time to do anything. and at the end of the day, i am exhausted. having all four kids at home with me all day is crazy wild. this week we have been kind of relaxed on our schedule, it is summer. but we have also put a lot of things in place. the kids have been given chores and responsibilities. they have been told if they want to go out and do fun things, they are going to have to help out a lot. and they really have been helpful. i spent a lot of the week trying to figure out what our days look like. i didn't have any time to blog and i barely did facebook, email or twitter. i really missed those things, i am just going to have to figure out how to work it in.

the first two days we stayed at home. and wednesday, i took all four of them grocery shopping. it went pretty well. on thursday, we met up with a group of friends (5 mommies & 13 kids!!) for a pool playdate at the waterpark. it was really a lot of fun!! on friday we met up with a group of friends (9 mommies & 23 kids) at the park. we (the adults) spent the time planning fun events for us to do with our kids this summer. i realized early in the week, i was going to have to be intentional about planning things with other people so that we would actually get out and do them. so my friend, marybeth and i came up with the idea to invite a {large} group of other moms and set some things into motion. we all agreed we are more likely to go places and do things if friends were there with us.

hopefully, i will be getting into a groove soon and be able to balance everything going on in our life these days! and then things will be less of a blur and i can blog about them.


Becki Francy said...

holy moly - you are a busy gal. I will pray for you on the homeschool things. You are right not to listen to things that make you fearful. You go!

Patti's Chat said...

I remember having so many fears as I began homeschooling. Action removes fear - just keep moving toward what HE'S laid on your heart. It will all be fine and you'll be a wonderful homeschooling Mother!