
out of balance...

i am feeling really really out of balance lately. i just can't get in the groove of things. and a lot of things are falling by the wayside. i just can't keep up. and it is like the really important things, the "me" things are getting neglected, like consistent quiet times and a consistent exercise regimen (or any at all)

so what i am asking is for you to tell me how you manage your schedules. what does a normal day look like for you? how and when do you do your errands, groceries? do you spend time with friends? when do you have appointments and such?

i know there are a lot of you out there struggling with some of these things and i don't expect anyone to comment with how they have perfected it all. but just give me and others an idea of how you are doing what you are doing. how are you balancing life?? i would love to hear from stay at home moms, working moms, wives with no kiddos, single ladies, whoever... just let me know how you do what you do each day!!

guidelines: this is suppose to be a positive encouraging post, so i really only want those types of comments, i do not want to hear from you if you are going to say something negative about me or one of my reader's comments -- okey dokey?


Because of Love said...

I never know where the day goes! I try so hard to work out, play with Alyse, have some "God" time, and be the best wife I can be, but sometimes (MOST OF THE TIME) I can't fit everything in. Work outs are the 1st to go :( If you have any good suggestions, send them my way!

melanie said...

Who doesn't struggle with this?! I think it's a common mom theme. I try really hard to be balanced. At the end of the day, I know I can't do it all so I'm happy with prioritizing what I need to do. About a year ago I decided to make exercise a priority. No matter what else was going on, I had to exercise at some point in the day. This consisted of either going to the gym (very) early in the morning and having some time alone, or working out with a group called StrollerStrides. In this group I got mom time, girl time, and playgroup all wrapped in one. That was a time saver! In the end, I just try to make every minute count with whatever I'm doing. So if I'm at work, home with kids, grocery shopping--I try to be present and focus on what I'm doing and not on what else I could be doing.