
baby bangs...

they are here. it has happened after each of my four pregnancies. after months of my hair falling out by the handful and feeling like i may go bald, the baby bangs have appeared. i was being proactive a few months ago and had some bangs cut. and now i have a few more. those little tiny hairs are growing sparsely across my forehead, thankfully blending into my bangs for the most part. oh, and as my hair gets longer it is getting wavy and curly. it amazes me how our bodies react to giving birth, hormones and such.

has any of this happened to you?


Kelly said...

I am right there with you. I had the baby bangs after my second child. I didn't like them at all. They were so noticeable! I am sure I will get them after this baby too!

farmersdaughter4ever said...

I hate this part....I am praying mine will grow fast...but for whatever reason it seems like it takes a year for the baby bangs to grow back in! Of course I feel like mine is more "baby bald spots!" I cut bangs, but my hairdresser warned me that I might loose alot of my bangs...she was right...I've now got more bangs on one side than the other!...NICE! Oh well, a small price to pay for my sweet boy! Let's face it, I'd go bald for him! :) Of course if you ask me right after I get out of the shower and I'm having my daily FIGHT w/ those bangs...you might get a different opinion then! lol!

Julesmcg said...

This is so funny. I read this post days ago and didn't know what you were talking about. I have never had these. But then just now I was drying my hair and was frustrated with these new bangs that are growing in the front of my head (that I have been fighting with for the last couple of weeks) and I thought "baby bangs!!" Know I understand!!

Anonymous said...

I started getting them right after Kalliope and they still haven't gone away! The hair dryer set on high and pointing down my face for as long as I can stand it usually takes care of them for me!