
always on my mind...

i guess you can say, in a way that my blogging break is over. kind of. i think i went one whole week without posting a blog. during that time, i enjoyed having no pressure on myself to post anything.

except for this post, i have been pulling things and publishing them from my drafts. so i haven't really been writing anything "new" just catching up on the "old". i will probably continue to do that for awhile, not that you would know the difference. i may even take another break because it is going to be pretty busy around here over the next two weeks.

the big kids only have 5 and a 1/2 days of school left! they will finish up next friday with a noon dismissal!! we are all counting down the days until summer vacation begins. we don't have any big plans for the summer. guaranteed we will be spending lots of days at the waterpark. but first, i have to go swimsuit shopping. that i am not looking forward to!

i let go of a lot of volunteer responsibilities over the last year. but i have continued to volunteer with safe journey through elevation, i serve on the planning team. safe journey is a program through cis (communities in schools) for teen mothers, it is to encourage and support them while finishing school. it is one of elevation's outreach partners. it is near and dear to my heart! the graduation ceremony we plan is for the girls in the program who are graduating from high school. we have a huge celebration to honor what they have accomplished. so we are putting the finishing touches on the event. we are in the final stretch and i am looking forward to seeing all of our planning be put into effect next thursday.

i feel like once we get through these to big events, i will be able to breathe a little easier! so if my posts are far and few between, that is why!!


Becki Francy said...

What a wonderful project. You are a wonderful woman to help those teen mommas. I often wonder how they do it. I have a husband and I still think it is hard, I can't imagine not having support!

Susan said...

Dillards has some really cute swimsuits (although, I wasn't real thrilled with how they looked on me). Why is getting back into shape and losing weight so much harder after 30! Good luck swimsuit shopping!

We are counting down till the end of school too. Can't wait! As soon as it ends, we leave for Florida for 3 weeks...relaxation is in sight!