
enchanted new year...

happy new year to you! was yours an enchanted one?

this morning as i was lounging on the couch -- i received a phone call from my new friend, anita, who was calling to invite jordyn and i to a girl's afternoon out! anita and i just met a few weeks ago, her husband, philip, is elevation's new family life pastor. a wonderful family!

so, after approving it with the wonderful hubby (who held down the fort and even cooked the pork roast while i was gone) we made plans to take our girls (anita's oldest daughter - savannah grace) to see enchanted! we had such a great time. our girls are close in age and are definitely a match for each other - they have similar personalities and give each other a run for their money.

the movie is awesome!! it is very family (mother-daughter) friendly. it is very cute and funny. and it has mcdreamy(patrick dempsey) in it!!! being a princess wanna be - i loved it!! so did anita... oh and the little girls did too!!! it is a must see if you have little girls!! we ran into my friend, susan and her girls, they had the same idea for a girls day out!

anita brought her camera and took a few pics, click here and you can view her blog and see our pics!

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